A review by jennabeebs79
Playing with Fire by Scarlett Knight


This was my first Scarlett Knight book and I'm so thrilled I stumbled upon it!! Jackie and Ivy apparently got off on the wrong foot several years prior to Jackie auditioning for The Neon Fightnets, for who Ivy plays keyboards. A Twitter feud that Ivy just couldn't let go of as witnessed by the flying stiletto during Jackie's audition. Fortunately, Ivy approved Jackie's addition to the band. What followed was a steamy foray into the should we/shouldn't we game along with the laying of the groundwork for the next two books in this series. I really enjoy the story a lot, but I felt like the reader needed more conversations between Ivy and Jackie. The book was told in Jackie's POV so we learned a lot about her, but we didn't learn much about Ivy, besides her devotion to her adorable niece Bethany. Can't wait to read book 2!