A review by petra_reviews_mm
The King's Dragon by Sam Burns, W.M. Fawkes


I am so glad I read this book! It is just so interesting, full of plot and just the right amount of MM romance. Which is slow burn and I live for that!

I admit that it took me at least 15 % to really get into the writing style and story. The novel is told from multiple POVs which were often really important for the wordbuilding and the whole story progression. Only a few chapters felt flat.
It also creates tension as sometimes an intense moment does not continue the storyline in the next chapter, but takes us somewhere else where people have no idea what is going on. It was not irritating much but I sometimes wanted to know more about XY instead of the side characters.
I absolutely love the "couple" (they really are not a couple or anything like that now). Their attraction and chemistry was through the roof. I especially love that even though there is some power imbalance, it is only caused by the society/court, not by the more powerful character Tris.
Both Bet and Tris have depth, back stories, their behaviour does not fall only into one category (being good or bad) and I can already feel the potential in the upcoming books.

I think that if you really pay attention, the plot progression does not seem unique/surprising as the authors leave crumbs that tell you what will happen or why a character behaves a certain way. Though, what Rhiannon did at the end left me speechless. But go girl!

This book reminded me a bit of King's Assasin series by Ariana Nash but it is not as dark... just dark enough. I love that Bet is a dark/grey character and we can witness it through his actions.

As for the romance and smut aspect... the men are slowly getting to being a couple. But there is the expected push and pull of them both. They want each other but (for whatever reason, and there are a couple) they are not at the end of their journey yet. I am so glad that this is not insta-love/lust book as we can see the build up of emotions and lust.
As for smut, there are a couple of scenes and that satisfied me more than enough. It was just perfect and shown the progression of the couple really naturally. I can't way for Tris/Bet to fuck each other into oblivion.