A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
Beginnings: Obsidian & Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Review of Onyx, the second book in the Lux series. My thoughts on the first installment are.. somewhere. *distracted wave*
I wrote this on my iPad, without auto-correct, so pardon the spelling errors.

The bad:
Daemon overall. His "I'm not stalking you, I'm just keeping an eye on you" philosophy was creepy and overprotective. He got possessive of Katy if another guy so much as breathed near her.

The new guy Blake was only there to rival Daemon and occasionally silently push the plot forward. It was a very New moon, clichè move. We already have a paranormal romance without substance. You know what else this series needs? A bloody love triangle.

The book was repetitive and way too long. I felt as if I were reading the same chapter over and over again, up until the last hundred pages. Kat did something stupid and Daemon forgave her the next day. Cue makeout session (however steamy it was).
And then the vicious cycle continues. The two of them acted childish and only communicated by kissing or arguing. Hello, where are the gray areas?

Katy abandoned her role as the witty, bookloving MC and therefore more relatable MC, and became weak, insecure and frustrating. She made poor decisions, trusted the wrong people and was painfully slow with figuring out the mystery.
She was indecisive and couldn't speak up, especially in the Daemon-vs-Blake situation.
Kat refused to define the relationship with either of them and acted as if it was okay to play around with their feelings; always balancing the line between good friends and dating with both of them.

I kind of missed Kat's interest in books. I know, I know. It's tough to keep up with reading/blogging when life gets in the way. Of course, my everyday problems don't include two guys fighting over me and being chased by an alien service, so I shouldn't complain.

While reading this book, I craved the upbeat and funny tone the first installment had. The banter back and forth between the couple, the sexual tension and the minor focus on the paranormal.
The aliens are just... lame. I didn't care for their backstory amd plotline in general.

Onyx tried to be deep and sentimental, and never reached that point. Katy just thought "Oh, that's so sad", "No, that's terrible".
Those vague descriptions didn't evoke any feeling in the reader, and felt like placeholders. The more I tead from her, the more convinced I've become that Armentrout's strength is sarcastic dialogue with quick, sharp comments.

The good:
The plot thickens and is actually going somewhere. Now we have a bunch of problems, and we find out more about the aliens and their enemies.

My favorite part was when Kat filmed her In my mailbox video for her book blog and Daemon joined her. That scene was everytging I wanted, and I would've been happy to read a whole book filled with them. It was sweet, hilarious and a little romantic at the same time.
More of that, please, instead of the stalker pattern. It's not cute.
Daemon and Katy do have chemistry, and the romance was enjoyable when they weren't fighting nonstop.

Lastly - and I almost hate to admit it - these books are still ridiculously, dangerously addictive, even when I feel like throwing them out the window.

Final verdict:
A meh sequel, nothing more. It has some setup for the later books, but the rest is pointless drama and your standard PNR.