A review by pippajay
Even Villains Fall In Love by Liana Brooks


The Good:

I LOVED this book! I've been waiting on it since I read the blurb back in January, and it didn't disappoint. The premise of a supervillain marrying the superhero really intrigued me, even if his methods for maintaining his perfect marriage seems morally questionable. What else would you really expect from the villain? So, the idea was novel and the blurb compelling. The story is very well written. Each chapter starts with a little snippet of internal though by the main character, each of which gives you a bit more insight into his mind and helps you empathize with him. Normally that kind of break up in a story can irritate me by pulling me out, but not in this case. The romance is sweet and sexy without the need for graphic bedroom scenes. The classical elements of the villain are all here - minions, dastardly plans and diabolical machines - but at the centre of it is a man who loves his wife and family enough to give up the world for them. There were great touches of humour too, as much as lines to tug on your heartstrings.

The Bad:

A sudden shift in location and identities left me a little confused in the middle of the book and it took me a few pages to get back up to speed. However, I felt this was probably in keeping with Evan's own confusion over the turmoil that had taken over his life.

In Sum:

It made me laugh, it made me cry, and I defy anyone not to go 'awww' by the end of the book. You'll be in no doubt about who is the real villain of the piece. Thoroughly enjoyable and a new twist on the old 'good vs. evil' in the greatest comic book tradition - but all grown up.

Buy this book. There is no alternative. :)