A review by saramarie08
Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka, Vol. 2 by Osamu Tezuka, Takashi Nagasaki, Naoki Urasawa


Geischt chats with one of the other seven deadliest robots, a young boy robot name Atom. Geischt is there to warn him about the deadly attacks and murders, but Atom thinks he can help the investigation. He asks Geischt for his memory chip and becomes entangled in the investigation of the murder of Dr. Junichiro Tasaki, a professor of law who was instrumental in writing and passing the Robot Laws. Atom discovers that, in his final moments, Dr. Tasaki was trying to contact Professor Ochanomizu, a man who was on the Survey team into Persia with Dr. Tasaki before the war broke out. The group was tasked with finding the deadly Persian robot army, but found nothing, and its remaining members also seem to be targets as well as the deadly robots.

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