A review by nixwolfwood
Searching for Superman by Ute Carbone


I was given this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

To start off I want to say one this about this story... It is freaking adorable! Oh my freaking gawd! I loved reading about everything that Stephanie and Doug had to go through. It had enough drama to keep me interested, but it was definitely a happy-go-lucky story. I hadn't read one of those in a while, and I enjoyed it a lot.

With that being said, there are grammatical issues. I don't just mean misuse of commas, which I've noticed is commonplace in the books I've read lately. There are misuse of words. One example, the word "libel" was used instead of "liable". Those are two very different words.

The story was captivating enough that I was able to ignore most of the editing issues. It's a cute story and, if you don't mind some grammatical issues, I recommend it to people who enjoy fluffy romance.

3/5 Platypires
