A review by manjala
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb


This was perfect for my needs at the moment, but also falls right into a genre of fantasy that I seem to really connect with in a very specific way. Robin Hobb's writing style is so beautiful, timeless and intimate. That last word also describes the overall mood of this book for me; it's not the action-packed and thrilling kind of high fantasy I mostly picture when thinking about the genre, but it was a lot more slow and atmospheric. Even in the first third of the book I felt myself easily connecting on an emotional level with Fitz, the side characters he bonded with and with the world. There was one particular scene involving an animal which broke my heart.
I absolutely love the magic system and worldbuilding. Themes of mental health and connecting to animals are really for Fitz and the world, and I can see myself falling in love with this trilogy already. I really appreciated how the start of every chapter gave us some more information about the world or a character's background, written in a style reminiscent of fairytales or legends.
Lastly, I can honestly recommend reading along while listening to the audiobook; it made it that much more immersive for me.