A review by rsarnelli
Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes


So. This wasn’t quite what I was expecting. The premise is fantastic, but I don’t think the story itself really delivers. I was hoping for a tense psychological thriller in the vein of [b:Dangerous Girls|16074758|Dangerous Girls|Abigail Haas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356513050s/16074758.jpg|21869436], but instead I got something more along the lines of “teenagers making poor decisions and ending up in increasingly ridiculous situations.”

That’s what this book was, really: kind of ridiculous. It was so far-fetched and silly at times...but it was also really, really entertaining. I thought about DNF-ing it a few times in the beginning, but then I hit page 154 and all this bizarre stuff started happening, and I could not. stop. reading. I just HAD to see what kind of wacky, off-the-wall thing was going to happen next.

As for the mystery itself...it’s okay. It’s interesting, but the description makes it sound a lot more intense than it actually is. I also think the motive behind everything was really weird and not totally believable. But most of this story is pretty unbelievable (seriously, the characters make SO MANY bad decisions), so I guess that’s to be expected.

So, while I’m kind of disappointed I didn’t get what I was hoping for (especially because I LOVED [b:The Art of Lainey|16068910|The Art of Lainey|Paula Stokes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1381343256s/16068910.jpg|21861359] and had high hopes for this), I’m also not that mad about it because it was entertaining as hell. However, I think that if you’re looking for a YA psychological thriller, [b:Dangerous Girls|16074758|Dangerous Girls|Abigail Haas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356513050s/16074758.jpg|21869436] is FAR superior. It’s more plausible and terrifying, not to mention extremely compelling. Liars, Inc. was just a bit too outlandish for me.

The cover is really awesome, though.