A review by eesh25
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis


Usually with a series conclusion, there are expectations. But I’ve had some ups and down with this series so I didn’t really have any. At least, I thought I didn’t. Turns out, not wanting the last book to be extremely racist and disrespectful is too much to ask.

Now, the religious allegory in these books has been obvious from the start. I’ve never had an issue with it because while I’m not religious myself, I don’t care about other people’s beliefs as long as they’re not harmful or insulting. This was both.

In the beginning, I thought the book was interesting. There was someone pretending to be Aslan and having people do awful things in his name. That was a great way to explore how people’s beliefs (and fears) have often been exploited. Things took a serious wrong turn, though, when the Calormen got involved; or, as the book often refers to them, the “darkies”.

The “darkies” are a savage people who smell like onion and garlic. They don’t believe in Aslan and are all awful. And if that’s not bad enough, the Calormen god, Tash, had to be pulled into this shit. At first, I actually thought featuring another religion could be good. Maybe we could meet another god. But no, Tash is a literal demon and Aslan is the only true god. And I... I’m shocked, angry and so fucking disappointed. The “product of its time” shit can only go so far, especially when the product came out less than a century ago.

Finally, as the bonus cherry on top, Lewis hates Susan now? I don’t know if someone named Susan killed Lewis’ cat or something, but the way she was treated in this book was terrible, came out of nowhere, and made no fucking sense. In fact, this entire book made no fucking sense and I hated it. Would recommend it to absolutely no one.