A review by emmalb1984
Make Me Want by Katee Robert


“The position I need filled is a husband.”

Lawyer Lucy Baudin has a favour to ask Gideon Novak - find a suitable candidate for her potential husband...and some lessons on how to be a better lover.
Having been hurt by her ex-fiancee (and good friend of Gideon’s), Lucy is naturally wary of making a commitment, and apparently Gideon’s ‘tuition’ will be beneficial for the lucky candidate. Whilst Lucy believes this can be a no strings attached arrangement, Gideon has been somewhat in love with Lucy for years, and, naturally, their sleeping together makes him realise that the idea of Lucy ending up with any other man is somewhat unpalatable to him. As far as Lucy is concerned though, she might be attracted to Gideon (and the sex may be amazing for her), but he is a man who doesn’t do commitment, so there is no future.
Katee Robert has created two well written lead characters who have a history, a believable mutual attraction to each other, and undeniable chemistry. Their coming together is in no way forced, and Gideon and Lucy make an excellent couple who spark off each other, and, underneath the bravado, genuinely care for each other to the point where, when the lines become blurred, they both worry for their friendship.
As this is the Dare series, the sex scenes are rather explicit, and it turns out that Lucy knows what she wants without any tuition from Gideon in that department. Indeed the sparks fly between the two regularly as Gideon struggles to stay on track with Lucy’s request to find her a husband; his 'pick me' speech (where he can't quite bring himself to say I love you) is actually a poignant moment, and it makes the reader realise just how deep his feelings for Lucy actually go. Essentially, you realise that Gideon is somewhat vulnerable when it comes to his relationship with Lucy, and, luckily the author has created an idea partner for him in Lucy, who has loved and been hurt, but needs to realise that the man of her dreams is closer than she thinks.
The strong writing makes the story enjoyable, and you genuinely want Gideon to come to his senses and realise he’s being a martyr to the cause by letting Lucy walk away because he thinks that is what she wants. For a story largely centred on two people, the secondary characters also shine in their brief appearances - Lucy’s sister, Becka, is wonderfully feisty and probably needs her own book, such is the impression she leaves on the reader after she confronts Gideon about his intentions. The scene is a brilliant piece of writing in itself.
Easy going, strongly crafted and likeable, this is the first of book by Katee Robert I have read, and, based on this, I look forward to reading more in the future.
Thanks to M&B for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.