A review by tashrow
Baby Bear by Kadir Nelson


Nelson returns with a picture book about a lost baby bear that showcases his luminous art work. Baby Bear is lost and can’t find his way back home. So he asks different animals about how to find his home again. Mountain Lion suggests that he figure out how he got here. Frog is rather busy, but tells Baby Bear not to be frightened. The Squirrels suggest that he hug a tree. Moose tells Baby Bear to listen to his heart. Owl reassures him and Ram encourages him to climb high and keep walking. Finally, Salmon leads him across the river and Baby Bear is home.

Nelson writes with the tone of a folktale, a measured pace and a strong structure of questions and answers. Told entirely in dialogue between the animals, the setting and action is left to the gorgeous illustrations to explain. My favorite moment is the ending of the book where there is no family to meet Baby Bear, no structure of “home” for him to return to, just an understanding and a pure moment of realization that he IS home.

Nelson’s art is stunningly lovely. He uses light and perspective to really show the story. We see Baby Bear from different angles, one amazing double-page spread just has a close up of his eyes with the moon reflected in them. Each page is a treat visually, each building to that moment of already being home.

Shimmering and lush, this picture book will open discussions about what home is, mindfulness and following one’s heart. Appropriate for ages 4-6.