A review by fiction_aficionado
Finding Love by Toni Shiloh


I love it when stories really go in deep and ask questions like, When it comes down to it, do you believe God’s got your back? Do you trust Him to be your keeper, whatever befalls you? This is the struggle Delaney, in particular, faces in this story. She’s already received one folded flag, so if she’s ever going to re-enter the dating scene, she’s determined it won’t be with a man in a high-risk job. Unfortunately, her heart didn’t get the memo. To make matters even more complicated, the man who’s caught her attention not only worked with her husband, but believes he was partly responsible for his death. Internal conflict doesn’t get much stronger than that!

Luke faces a similarly tough conundrum. He’s come to Maple Run to offer to make amends, however small, for his role in her husband’s death. How can he now turn around and say, “Oh, by the way, want to go out with me?” He knows his job is a deal-breaker, he totally understands why, and he still has two more years until retirement and the benefits that brings. How could anything work between them? Should he just ignore how much he wants to get to know her, or can they take it one step at a time and see where God leads them?

Taking it one step at a time, without knowing what’s ahead? It’s easy to embrace in theory, but when it actually comes to putting one foot in front of the other it can feel more like taking a leap over a gaping crevasse, and I loved that Luke and Delaney had to work through that in this story. Add in the cozy family atmosphere of the Maple Pit and Delaney’s twin boys Philip and Preston and you have an enjoyable read as well as a faith-filled one. I did feel that the physical attraction between Luke and Delaney was a little too much too soon, and was pointed out more often than necessary, but it was still a sweet romance, and that last part of the epilogue—well, I dare you to still have dry eyes once you’ve read that!

I received a copy of this novel from the author. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.