A review by geo_ix
Born of Fire: The League: Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I didn't personally like the epilogue because a huge issue was suddenly fixed in a few lines, but the rest of the book had me hooked. I liked this one so much more than book one, and I while I really enjoyed book one, I felt this one flowed better and had much more likeable characters. Sure they do stupid shit because they don't open their mouths and ask, but I still really loved them.

I would have preferred her intimacy issues to not fade away as quick as they did, but I also understand the book was already long and much more would have made it a little tedious. I also still can't decide if some of the cutesy romance scenes would have been okay to cut out (eg. Bath scene etc) they were cute and romantic but there was a few and most of the relationship growth - to me - happened outside of them.

Also, to get something from his past this dude had to legit face all his demons and he wasn't even doing it for himself. God he's precious.