A review by grinningcat
Cam's Strawberry Moon by Cyndi Faria, Cyndi Faria


MMC/FMC- Cam and Pepper
POV- 1st person dual
Genre- Paranormal Romance
Sub Genre- Shifters
Sub Genre- MC
Heat- They do the thing without naming the parts
Series? Y
Cliffhanger? N
Triggers- Violence, non-explicit erotic content
Tropes- Human Mate, 27 Club?, Complicated Family Tree
What I liked- the connection between the main couple was intensely strong. The writing made me feel that.
What could have been better- the MC is barely mentioned, even though it’s a central part of their way of life. They do ride bikes, however, so that’s promising.
What I found interesting about the world building- Shifter females die if they don’t procreate by age 27. This is unfair and uncool (what about LGBTQ shifters? Couples with fertility issues?), but it does add urgency and drama to the mate selection process. So I can see why the author did it, but I don’t like it. YMMV.
Verdict- Entertaining with complex world building and a compelling love.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.