A review by yetanothersusan
See All the Stars by Kit Frick


This is the story of 4 girls whose friendship implodes after *something* happens in their junior year of high school. A lot of foreshadowing in the parts leading up to the *big event* and a lot of 20-20 hindsight try to build suspense that ultimately results in a let-down when what happens is actually revealed. The friendships weren't focused on enough to make the reader invested in them and impacted when they blew up. Really, this book felt like a run of the mill YA book with nothing really unique to offer. And, similar to how I have felt about a lot of books recently, the need to continue the story past the natural end and over explain things was a bit tedious.

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Simon and Schuster in exchange for an honest review.