A review by seriouslybookish
A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill


I don't think I've ever read an Australian historical mystery before so I was bloody excited when I came across this.

It's well written, there is no denying that. The characters are well developed and each have their own thing that makes them unique and interesting. I loved that they were artists. Art and murder mystery is not a combination I've read before so it was something different. I enjoyed used politics as a central element of the story but without having the characters deeply entrenched in politics. (It has me intrigued about Australian politics after WWI. I'm excited to read up on it).

Now what I didn't really enjoy was the excessive historical facts that took up a significant portion of the book. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some if it but half way through the book and I was skin reading those parts. The plot was nothing special. The author did a good job as a way of introducing Rowly to the sluething investigatuve life but it was missing a lot. It felt a little like cut and paste. Also the real reason that started the thing just wasn't executed properly.

I get that this is the first book in the series but it needed more when it came to the plot. The last 25% really let this book down in my opinion.

I do think I'll continue with the series so I hope it get better.