A review by krisrid
Christmas at The Mysterious Bookshop by Otto Penzler


This was a fun "theme" book of short stories all about mysteryies set in the Christmas season, with at least part of the action taking place in The Mysterious Bookshop.

The Mysterious Bookshop of the title is actually a real bookstore in the Tribeca area of Manhattan. The owner of the store is the editor of the book containing the short stories, all of which he commissioned through the years from famous mystery authors, one each year as a gift for loyal customers of the store for Christmas. He decided to consolidate and publish them in book form which this book is the result.

Although I am not usually a short-story fan, there were some clever, entertaining stories in the book. There were a handful that either the style or the subject matter just was not interesting to me, but overall the book was a good read and a clever concept. If you like short stories and mysteries, this may be worth your time in checking out.