A review by 2ndchance_chad
The Witchfinder by J. Todd Kingrea


This was another eARC that I received, this time through LibraryThing's website. I must have missed a slight bit of description on this one. I didn't pick up on it until I was already several pages in. For most of this book it reads and feels like a traditional Fantasy story where the Church rules most of the known world. There is magic and weapons seem fairly medieval themed. However, as you read through it turns out the story actually takes place about a thousand years after what may appear to be more like present day. There is a cataclysm that takes place and apparently throws the world back into more medieval times. With all of that being said, it was a very enjoyable read. It seems a rather quick and easy read as well. The pacing seems quick to me but not so much that it didn't allow time for the world and characters to develop. I did seem to get twisted from time to time on the plot itself but I like where things ended up at the end of the book.

I would consider this on the darker side and it appeared to have tragedy after tragedy. I really enjoyed the character development. Many times I had to ask myself who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in this story. This isn't due to it not being clear. It is more due to the fact many of the characters learn more and more about the world they live in and who they really are and who or what they want to be.

I'm excited to see where this story goes from here in the future!