A review by alexisisreading
Blaine's Beast by Joel Abernathy, G.A. Rael


So a goal of mine for 2023 was to branch out and read books I wouldn’t normally pick up and this 100% fit the bill.

What I liked:
- I love retellings but I especially love modern takes on retellings
- Mattie <3
- How you could kind of match up which characters are supposed to be who from the original Beauty and The Beast story
- Sort of gave me Green Creek vibes

What I’m unsure if I liked or not:
- Pacing. Blaine was in bed with Rohan at about 15% into the book and we hadn’t even learned what Rohan’s name even was yet
- After the initial story arc is complete there’s a twist and then further conflict. Because it happens at about 80% in to the book it’s resolved very quickly which is obviously good because then the story isn’t dragged out but I think this specific conflict could have been introduced sooner in the book so it could have been more developed. I sort of just felt like it came out of nowhere
- Some of the sex scenes were good, I don’t know about the first one though, like I mentioned it happens so quickly. It sort of gave me the same vibe of two people having an anonymous hookup after meeting in a club but because of the story it didn’t work that way and sort of felt out of place

What I didn’t like:
- The first chapter was kind of confusing, I didn’t realize what was going on until Blaine is at the castle.
- I wish the other pack members had more scenes with Blaine. It would have made his care for them and his want to stay a bit more believable

I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews, and this is my honest review.