A review by joanaortiz
A Fate Inked In Blood by Danielle L. Jensen


So in the beginning of this book, I was giggling and blushing, and I was having a good time. we met Freya who is the female main character and right away you can tell that she is a bad ass who was put into a marriage that she didn’t want. Then we meet Bjorn, who is the male main character. He was funny and charming to a point and right from the first time they met, you could feel the tension. So throughout the whole story, you are following Freya, so you’re seeing her side of the story throughout the whole book. Now, I would’ve hoped for Bjorn’s point of view, but I understand why we didn’t get it. However, I think that just having her POV made it to where the middle part of the book felt like it was dragging along. There was a lot of events in the middle of the book that were very important but there wasn’t enough detail and I wanted those to be focused on instead of so much of the relationship. It felt like we were in the middle of a battle and then it just ended. The battle scenes felt rushed. Also there was a point where Freya fell and hurt her ankle, but tell me why I just didn’t understand what the heck happened at all. I reread it so many times and I just couldn’t understand the events that happened.

The ending was very good, I did see it coming, since there were multiple hints throughout the whole book.

In Conclusion, I will be reading the next book in this series. I hope to get more detailed battle scenes.
