A review by samanthajayne_x
Hold You Close by Corinne Michaels, Melanie Harlow


I’d like to thank Social Butterfly PR for sending me an e-arc of this, it is very much appreciated. I haven’t read from these authors before so I had no idea what to expect this summary drew me to this book and I knew I just had to read it!

Ian from the moment he rejected London after she wanted to change her plans when they were 18, I knew what he was doing. I could see it immediately that he didn’t want her to change her plans and not go to her dream school. So that was really sweet. We jump 18 years and Ian is a whole different person and whenever he is around London they can’t help but argue and he’s buried them feelings for her and it was so cute. Although he still acted like an obnoxious idiot at times he was a great complex character. Emotions were running very high throughout the book especially with his sister dying and being left with 3 kids.

London, she was a very career driven person and refused to let anyone enter her heart and buried her feelings deep down for Ian. You could tell before they get together that she was still hurting to be around him. Emotions were running very high throughout the book especially with her best friend dying, and then helping Ian raise the 3 kids. I did feel at times she was way judgemental but I loved her character.

When Ian and London find out Sabrina died got my heartbreak and I sobbed from that moment onwards when reading this book it broke my heart. Especially seeing the children, Chris, Morgan and Ruby their reactions broke my heart and god it was painful, the emotions were really real and good.

I loved Chris, Morgan and Ruby. Morgan was so sassy and she always sassed Ian when it came to London and the same with London. She’d try to get them to admit their feelings between each other and honestly it was funny. There is a scene in this where Morgan gets her period and Ian’s reaction to it is just hilarious, I think that’s one of my favourite scenes in the book. Ruby was so adorable and cute. Chris bless him tried to be strong for his sisters and I loved their relationship and bond. It was nice to see all three siblings sticking together through the loss of their parents it was so nice.

I loved the new dynamics that we got with Ian and London as parents.

The letters that Sabrina left for everyone. I sobbed like a baby it was so emotional and I just I was very sad reading them.

It was a beautiful lovely story, I fell in love with this and highly recommend this story! Amazing!