A review by sofialexandra
Funny Story by Emily Henry


Life isn’t a competition, and neither is love, but I’m still the loser.

This book shifted something inside me. I don’t remember the last time I sobbed so hard while reading.

He murmurs my name, like it’s an exclamation, the sound you make after a perfect sip of wine.

I loved LOVED Daphne and Miles so much. Both of their characters were so complex and I was completely hooked on both of them from the very beginning. However, this has always been a pattern for me with Emily Henry’s books: I love that her books aren’t JUST romance and focus on SO much more than that, however you do get to the end of the book thinking like there’s something lacking in the romance aspect. And that happens because she creates such complex characters and equally complex relationships between them and that’s exactly why I love her writing. But when you create such complex feelings and put the characters through such hard and heavy situations, there should be more airtime given to their relationship and these situations mentioned. I always wish her books were 3x longer because I feel like there’s always so much lacking and left unsaid between the two characters.

I just think, […] you like people almost as much as they like you. And it makes being around you feel like–like standing in sunlight.

”Can I do anything?” I ask.
Now his smile softens. He touches my chin again. “Nah,” he says. “This is enough.”
“I’m not doing anything,” I point out.
The corner of his mouth twitches. “Then why do I feel better?”

Daphne was everything to me. I related WAY too much to her and she healed something in me. She was written so beautifully and Miles!!! I loved him so bad and I felt so endeared and so much love for him! However, I do wish he would’ve been more focused on, plot wise. He had so much potential and his character could’ve been so much better developed, I wish we had gotten so much more from him and this is what I mean when I say Emily Henry NEEDS to start writing dual pov!!!

The same universe that dispassionately takes things away can bring you things you weren’t imaginative enough to dream up.