A review by bluenicorn
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America by Thomas L. Friedman


Um... I'm on page 3 and bored out of my mind.

Alright, I don't feel so bad- out of my book group, the three who came admitted that they didn't read this, and the other guy outright told me he would not be coming- and he's always there.

It's not an awful book- but these were the common complaints:
1. It was too scary- people don't want doomsdaying, they want solutions- and upfront.
2. It was boring.
3. It was not made relevant to our lives.
4. Some of his "solutions" were overly simplistic (fix the energy problem in Africa, and then AIDS won't be a problem? I've oversimplified, but that was one that the group just didn't buy)

So what I did was read my favorite Nancy Pearl-ism (from Book Lust): (Paraphrased)Don't finish a book that you don't enjoy just because you feel obligated to read it. If "everyone" loves a book, but after 70 pages you want to beat yourself over the head with the book, DON'T KEEP READING!! There are too many other books out there that you will fall in love with- don't waste your time on ones you don't. You can come back to it later, but don't feel obligated!

End of rant.