A review by mandygollaher
Wildly Into the Dark: Typewriter Poems and the Rattlings of a Curious Mind by Tyler Knott Gregson


Wildly Into the Dark was one of the first poetry collections I ever purchased, and although it was not the first one I finished, it was the beginning of a journey into a poetic world that has inspired me in so many ways. It is the collection I find myself in the most, and I truly believe that anyone can carve apart any poem in this wonderful book and find themselves served upon the page.

Gregson is a wanderer, lover, and insightful appreciator of the world; his poems range from odes to the woman of his dreams to evaluations of his mental health, and observations about the natural world. The poems are written in strong, descriptive, poignant free verse that makes every word both accesible to newbies in the poetry world and poet-junkies alike. There's so much substance in this collection and poems for every mood.

Some of my favorite pieces evaluate and question the depth of our language and the seemingly impossible task of channeling intense emotion into a few lines of verse. Not only is every word in "Wildly Into the Dark" chosen carefully, Gregson also evaluates the rhetoric of those in the public sphere with sharp commentary on the way words are misused throughout our lives. Sprinkled in to the political commentary are anecdotes of love; snapshots of perfect hours sandwiched between trials of darkness and beams of light. Even if you've never been in love, you can't help but feel every emotion deep in your heart and swoon.

There are too many amazing poems in this collection for me to pick a favorite, however, I will allow Tyler Knott Gregson to speak for himself with this particular poem which, to me, defines the importance and wisdom of this collection:

"They asked me what poetry was,
and as few things have,
it stole my speech for a moment.
All I could think to say
was that poetry is taking an ache
and making it

If you are looking for poetry to ignite your heart, heal a piece of darkness taking over your life, challenge the all consuming nature of the negativity streamed into our minds through every screen, or inspire you to travel and admire nature, please, pick up "Wildly Into the Dark."
You won't regret it.