A review by yodamom
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake


( audio and printed book) I'd give it 3.5 stars. I really loved Anna, her dress, her blood, her house, it was all so dark and ghoulish. I wanted more of the house and her. Her story was the only real interesting part for me. The first 1/2 of the story was just an everyday walk through life. Well, except for a brief encounter with a hitchhiker. The second 1/2 of the book took off down a dark and dangerous trail. Exciting.

I had some issues with the Main Character Cas, he was such a non emotional guy. Too calm under dire circumstances. The audio was read the same way which was disappointing, I was hoping it was just the narrator. Even his romantic parts where so short and ?!?!??! His actions, to his 'friends' their involvement into his stuff was confusing.
The side characters where a nice mix up of High School teenagers. I thought their drama was played a bit too much and did not seem to fit in the story. They acted like tweens to me, their interactions just seemed out of place.
Okay, even with all the things I griped about I enjoyed the story. I just didn't love it, nor the main character enough to continue the series.