A review by abbys
Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 6 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu


This is probably my favourite Volume so far.

Volume 6 is 20% in the present and 80% in the past as Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Feng Xin and Mu Qing find a cave of a thousand Gods and Xie Lian comes face to face with his sworn enemy, White No-Face, also known as the White Clothed Calamity. 

The present served some humorous scenes that made me laugh out loud, especially Hua Cheng trying to act like he didn't know what the statues were or who made them and the Xianle trio having their typical banter throughout. It served as a nice break before the volume gears up to take you to probably the most disturbing arc in the series so far. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's relationship has developed so much, as proven in the present scenes where Xie Lian is told by Feng Xin and Mu Qing that the statues and murals were made by him for him and rather than be freaked out like they want him to be, Xie Lian sticks with and hugs Hua Cheng to show him his love. Xie Lian has even started admitting that them 'sharing air' and 'transferring spiritual power' is actually just excuses that they made to kiss. They have such a beautiful love, which is proven further during the White Clothed Calamity Arc. 

In the White Clothed Calamity Arc, we are shown humanity at its worst and it is truly disturbing. Xie Lian goes through so much in every book but the way that he expresses his thoughts and emotions in this volume makes it all the more disturbing. Not to mention the illustrations that accompany some of these particular scenes. As with the Black Water Arc, there were scenes that made me feel sick and there were scenes that broke my heart. Seeing Xie Lian the way he was after them was understandable and also scary. He had every right to become a villain, he would have even had the strength to rival Hua Cheng as a calamity, but when it truly came down to it, he found the strength to return to who he truly was and to repent for what he had thought and done. Xie Lian is one of the most well written characters in literature. 

Hua Cheng took many names and forms in this volume and I loved every single one of them. His unconditional and eternal love for Xie Lian made me so emotional. The way in which he became a wrath ghost and in which he would do anything to ensure that Xie Lian would live on was so beautiful to read and see in the illustrations. These scenes between them in the past makes their dynamic all the more powerful and strong in the present. 'To die in battle for you is my greatest honour' never fails to leave me speechless, I cannot imagine what is must be like to love someone so much and be loved so much by someone.

Volume 6 explains so much of the story so far in such thoughtful ways and ways that will simultaneously blow your mind and shatter your heart. My favorite realisations were where Xie Lian got his bamboo hat, the story of the 33 Heavenly Officials who Hua Cheng killed for embarrassing Xie Lian and the callbacks to the statements that Hua Cheng has told Xie Lian before. The most heartbreaking ones were why Mu Qing is considered a traitor to Xie Lian, how Hua Cheng became a calamity ghost, the trauma that Xie Lian has from White No-Face, how human face could be cured and how ruoye came to be. Heaven Official's Blessing is a series that rewards you for paying attention and remembering parts of the story in the past and in the present, after reading certain parts you can look back and realise how much sense scenes in the earlier volumes make sense and all of the pieces fall into place so that you can see the bigger picture. MXTX's storytelling is masterful.

I am excited for Xie Lian to figure out the truth of the White Clothed Calamity in which I hope will be the next Volume, he has already made comments whilst facing White No-Face which show he is putting the pieces together. I have no doubts that his realisation will crush him but I think it will lead to one of the most exciting battles in the series. 

I love this series so much.

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