A review by qu33nofbookz
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel by A. W. Jantha


One and a half stars for the novelization of the Hocus Pocus movie half a star for the sequel which was a hot mess. I liked that the novelization gave more insight into the characters and some of their thought process. It just added more depth to the movie that we all know and love. It took a lot of dialogue word for word from the movie so the new bits blend with the old. Very nice.

The sequel was not that great and longer than it should have been. Plus they kinda threw out some of the things from the original and added stuff that wasn't there and doesn't make sense by the time the sequel wraps up. It's very modern with pop culture and speech terms but the characters who are supposed to 16 or 17 act like they are 12 or 13 (in one characters case they seemed to be about 6 for most of the story) and seem like they are in the 90's still not 2018. Also they have below zero self-preservation skills, less than would be in real life, this was I assume to make them do things that would make the story longer instead of wrapping everything up fairly quickly. While I liked the diversity of the sequel it was a little too PC to be really enjoyable, like the author was trying too hard and thought 'how diverse and non-offending make this so no one will have an objection one way or another. Or in this case, think anything at all. But it just cam out odd. Last the ending was kind of cliffhanger like leaving room for another story if the author or Disney wanted to make more money.