A review by sunshine169
The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter


The Evil Queen but Gena Showalter is a retelling of the fairy tale Snow White and the Evil Queen. In the book the fairy tale is a prophecy that is playing out in real time and the characters are trying to figure out which roles they are to play. The story follows Everly Morrow who is believed by most to be the Evil Queen in the prophecy. However, as the story progresses that role can be played by any of the characters. Turns out the choices the characters make change up their roles in the story.

I love books that make you think about what is good and what is evil. Why are the evil actions by characters such as Farrah justified just because she is believed to be the prophecy's Snow White, while Everly's actions of retaliation are considered evil even though she is defending herself and her loved ones? Everly says time and time again how if they just let her go she will leave them alone and live her life. What they do instead is imprison her in a tower with a metal collar around her neck to keep her from using magic. What did they expect to happen as a result of her mistreatment? Two wrongs don't make a right but it definitely teaches us that there are consequences to how we treat others.

It takes some time to build up to the action of the book but it is worth the effort. I look forward to reading further books in this series. It is mentioned how other fairy tales are playing out along with Snow White and the Evil Queen. It will be interesting to see how they are incorporated.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkyard Press for an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.