A review by claudia_is_reading
The Trials by Linda Nagata


This book takes off exactly at the point in which [b:First Light|17605440|First Light (The Red #1)|Linda Nagata|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1363059827l/17605440._SY75_.jpg|24561453] finished. And I was really curious (okay, anxious, I was really anxious!) to discover how the story would develop, and how the trial would be carried out. And I truly enjoyed the way in which was resolved. It felt right. But, okay, I must confess that there was a moment, just after the trial ended and Shelley was back at his father's place, that I... lost a bit my faith in the story.

Yes, I get what the author was trying to show us, and yes, in retrospective, it made sense. But the whole relationship between Shelley and Delphi? I didn't understand it. Yes, the skullnet probably diminished the pain of Lizza's death, but still, it didn't felt right.

I think that what I enjoyed the most in this story was the conspiracy arc and the questions about The Red and its purpose.

Still an excellent story, although it doesn't surpass the first one.