A review by geoblockreads
Things I Wanted To Say (but never did) by Monica Murphy

Did not finish book. Stopped at 80%.
This book has a good premise, but ended up being pretty boring and repetitive.
The author reminds us, over and over again, how messed up and disturbed these two are, how sick their fantasies are, and how they're made for each other etc. It gets pretty boring pretty fast, especially because the book never actually shows us this. It just tells us. The kinkiest thing in the book (as far as I got in, anyway) was Whit choking Summer. The rest of it is pretty expected vanilla sex, which is (again) pretty repetitive. 

It doesn't really feel like they've actually grown together, or progressed in their feelings in any sort of way. The author just tells us how obsessed they are with one another, without any evidence. It just feels super forced, and I stopped reading because I don't feel like I'll be satisfied by the ending. I'm also getting very bored by the same lines, over and over again. This book is 600 pages and it feels like its been copy pasted. Like things haven't really changed. 

Also Whit isn't an interesting love interest to read about? Like he ticks all the dark romantic interest tropes (playboy, obsessive, possessive, rich, good looking) but he doesn't really have any kind of redeeming quality. I don't mean I want him to be a nice guy, I just want him to have at least something interesting about, that makes me want the relationship to work out. But he's boring, and falls super flat. He feels like a caricature of every dark romance love interest. In all honesty, a literal dildo could stand in for his role and it'd be the same. And he goes his whole 'I want to break out of the mold' but it's so overdone and unconvincing. 

Not only is the writing repetitive, the plot is too. Twice, Whit has stepped in and saved Summer from being beaten up, and then saved her from being raped. He's also gotten jealous of an outfit twice. Very dull. I don't mind tropes, but you do have to add something to it to make it interesting. It feels like this dark romance was written by AI that's been fed Penelope Douglas books. 

The only redeeming part of this book is Sylvie, so props for that. Her being sick is interesting, and part of me wants to keep reading for her. (I hope for a Munchasen by proxy plot line, that'd be unique and interesting) but I can't really be bothered reading more about the two main characters, because they're going to put me to sleep. 

2/5 stars

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