A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien


During this last part of the trilogy we discover if the ring would be destroyed forever. Sauron the enemy send his army to attack Gondor. Gandalf the white warns Denethor for Sauron his army and his plans. Minas Tirith transforms into a besieged city. Where a lot of action takes place. The Rangers of the north follow Aragorn towards the path of the Death.

Gollem plays peek a boo with his unforseen return caused by his desire for his precious.

Gollum: Sneaking? Sneaking? Fat Hobbit is always so polite. Sméagol shows them secret ways that nobody else could find, and they say 'sneak!' Sneak? Very nice friend. Oh, yes, my precious. Very nice, very nice."

There happens so much at this denouement. Therefore i wouldn't spoil anything to give people the opportunity to experience it by themselves.

The Lord of the Rings series is by far one of the most famous fantasy series. Therefore i had high expectations. I loved the world building and the way how Tolkien took the time to describe everything.

The Hobbit was my favourite part inside this series. As the series progressed i faced difficulties to keep track of all the occasions that took place. Some parts felt a bit slow paced in my point of view. Did i enjoyed reading the whole series? absolutely! I can now finally say that i read Tolkien his most famous work.