A review by wearysighs
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore


overall: i am not a non-fiction reader, so this one was a little more difficult for me to get through. BUT, to give the author a ton of credit, i really felt like she did a great job of making these women's stories read like something out of any fiction novel. capitalism sucks, corporate greed is inherently evil, and has been killing americans since the beginning. our country has come so far, and yet still has so far to go in terms of labor rights.

my two gripes: of course this involves a lot of legal cases which became tedious to read through at times. the other is that there are so many characters and details that it is hard to keep track of in a non-fiction setting, i resigned myself to just skimming the surface without trying to remember who was who.

the positive: i really appreciated how the author used direct quotes from source materials throughout the novel in a way that was not distracting. it is obvious that kate moore really felt passionate about the radium girls' demise, and seems an appropriate homage to all they had suffered. she clearly did her research.