A review by mbrown13669
Feared by Hell by Michael Anderle


I so rarely write reviews...
If you cut Shay out of the book this would have been worth reading.
Shay was the sort of female personality-wise that just GRATES.

A woman who knows she's pretty--probably has been abused because she was pretty--but decides to make her beauty be the thing that defines all her interactions with people.
She's beautiful so she is pre-emptively aggressive to men. Man looks at her? Kick him in the balls.
If a man doesn't find her to be Gods gift to men--they must be gay, couldn't be that he's just not a thirsty piece of dog excrement, nope, must be gay. (Show us where the bad man touched you on the dolly. I get it, apparently you (the author) were trying to set up a character with systemic sexual abuse as many people who act this way in real life have been or have been around people who have been sexually abused to the point that their defense mechanism is to shove men away so hard they can't make it back and if they DO make it back they can't get it up to do anything about it.)

Now that it comes to it not sure if Mr. Brownstone's sexual preference was really defined, to be honest. He might in fact be gay. He had females throwing themselves at him.
He complained about being "hideous" in appearance so he apparently hasn't had much, if any?
I don't know as there was actually a definition.
Don't really care.
I'm not here to police what should or shouldn't be going on in characters bedrooms, but the female lead was annoying about it.
Do you really have this much time, when you are walking through a house with multiple murders to be wondering about if the person you're tailing takes it in the front or the rear? Really? How have you not gotten shot, stabbed or otherwise dead because you are so busy rubbing one out? Shoo. You bother me.
Don't get me wrong, I know a good portion of males who are thirsty pieces of dog excrement just like Shay talks about.
I mostly hope they don't reproduce or that because they are excrement they probably just ding-dong-ditch the women they knock up and they won't be around their child to infect them with their personality traits.

Gotta admit I skimmed the last 50% of the book, so saying it's read is a little cheaty, but honestly...WHY would anyone want to read this with that character in it? I am going to pick up book 2 and hope since this is a long running series that Shay either improves or was cut out of the book directly after the last scene in this book.