A review by fennyisreding
Surrounded by Setbacks: Or, How to Succeed When Everything's Gone Bad by Thomas Erikson


Bear in mind that I am not an avid non-fiction reader, let alone a self-help book reader so take my review with a grain of salt.

I have yet to read Thomas Erikson’s Surrounded by Idiots but this book did touch a little bit on the DISC personalities colours. Now, I have known for quite some time I am a Blue with a dash of Red and Green in my personality. So when he mentioned something in regards of how different colours should perceive their setbacks, I couldn’t help but to relate with the things he had mentioned.

I like that this book mentioned in the first few chapters that it’s going to be as realistic as it’s going to be because it’s not some motivational book at the first place. The author mentioned that he knew going in, that there are going to be two types of people who is going to read this book:
1) The one who wanted to do something with their setbacks; and
2) The one who’s going to think that they have heard something that’s mentioned in this book and perhaps going to just ignore.

I’m the latter when I first got into this book, not going to lie.

However, this book took me by surprise. The author was very good in helping the readers to do a step-by-step from recognizing your setbacks, getting rid of them, changing perspectives of your success and even helps you to define your own success.

There were slight humour in his examples of life decisions that I think are worth to read, and I most definitely think that we can learn from each one of it.

There were a few oversimplification of his techniques but they get the job done, literally.

If you feel like you need to get your act together in 2022, it’s never too late. Pick up this book and you’ll understand more on how to ensure that your success journey could be done better.

Many thanks to @definitelybooks for this review copy! I had fun reading this.