A review by loverofromance
From Duke Till Dawn by Eva Leigh


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

From Duke Till Dawn is the first book in Eva Leigh’s “The London Underground” and I was super excited for this book especially after reading the third installment in the series “Dare To Love A Duke” and where I was charmed by Alex and I really wanted to read his story and was delighted when I saw this book available at my local library. I had a fun time with this book although I do want to mention that the beginning of story is a bit stunted and might throw the reader off, I recommend sticking with the story because it does improve the more you read.
She wouldn't have believed such an honorable, principled man would make love to her like he was born for the task. As though his only desire was to give her unending pleasure

The Duke of Greyland has never fully gotten over the one woman that he fell in love with who was a widow in need and they had a passionate one night stand but then she disappeared and he never heard from her again. But when his two friends drag him to a gambling club, he runs into Cassandra again and he is shocked to see her alive and well. But then Alex learns that Cassandra is not the woman he thought she was, that she was never a widow and that she played him all those years ago, since she is highly experienced at being a swindler to survive and Alex is furious.
I'd been like an automaton, going through the paces of my life mechanically, dutifully. But you've taken me from the confines of my comfortable, familiar world and introduced me to danger, and excitement and a giddy sort of joy.

Cassandra, was born on the streets and she had to learn how to survive in the best way that she knew how by pick pocketing, or stealing so that she wouldn’t have to deal in prostitution unless she had no choice. She has grown up working with thieves and swindlers. She is currently working with a man who taught her to swindle and is like a father to her and in their current venture planning on setting somewhere else and have a fresh start. But then she runs into Alex again and when he learns the truth he is feeling betrayed and she is the cause of that betrayal and she has never felt remorse until now because she loves Alex and has never forgotten him after all these years. But when she is betrayed herself and her father figure abandons her and many other relying on the money they gathered together in their gambling club venture, if she wants to survive she will need to go to Alex for help and hope that he will forgive her one day.
He was everything she dared to dream of but could not allow herself to expect

From Duke Till Dawn, was a enjoyable read, and it may not be my favorite from this author, but I had a fun time with this story but it did take a while before I started to really enjoy it. Its a page turner, so no worries are being able to get into the story but it did start out a bit strange for a second chance romance. There wasn’t any flashbacks (which I was alright with) but it was the way the story was told that seemed a bit unbalanced in the first third part of the book. But then something changed and this is when the story really started to work for me. I really loved the growth of the characters in this book. Cassandra learns about regret and committing wrongs and the guilt that comes with taking advantage of other’s generosity. And Alex learns about the lives about those that live in the underground of London, about poverty and desperation and what some people will need to do in order to survive. He learns the value of forgiveness and redemption. I adored seeing these two grow together and learn to accept one another and their pasts.
You're the woman I love. Courageous. Strong. Wickedly intelligent" He touched his fingertips to the underside of her chin, holding her reverently. "I want all of you. And I want to give you all of me"

From Duke Till Dawn is a story that is packed with adventure, mystery, emotional growth and a sexy romance that is pure sensation!!

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