A review by astheplotthickens24
Roar by Cora Carmack


Treat others with kindness. For you do not know which souls will visit you again as storms rather than men.
— The Book of the Sacred Souls

I love the premise of this book, the world building was great, the storm hunting’s awesome and the author’s writing style was captivating. The concept about storms wrecking havoc to kingdoms and possessing a mind and magic of their own is new, which is why I’m giving this book a three star rating even though I despise the main characters so much that I literally put off writing this feedback as long as possible.

I love the beginning, it’s great to read a character like Roar/Rora/Aurora, she was dedicated, passionate, beautiful and smart. I love how she doesn’t let anyone mess with her head. But then I started getting tired of all her dramas and trust issues, it was so annoying that she let those silly little things mess with her priorities while her best friend --possibly her only friend-- rots in the dungeon due to her pampered ass’ selfish decisions. I see her point for wanting to venture this particular quest for power but her silly dalliances with Locke just unleashes the bitch inside me. Never had I ever wanted to go inside a book for the sole purpose of just killing the main character.

And then, there’s Locke and his annoying possessiveness! I despise this guy so much to the point where I literally pictured him being electrocuted with lightning to death. I think his character was great before he met Roar, but he’s just so unbearable in this book. He fell in love to Roar the moment his eyes caught her pretty face in the black market (ewwww, instalove) I think everyone knows what happens next, he became a control freak with just the right amount of being an asshole. I hate how he’s willing to throw away years of friendship for a girl he literally just met. I value friendship loyalty above all and what Locke did just pisses me off.

I ship Nova and Cassius so hard that I literally constructed a whole new story about them in my head. I hope and I pray that the author will give them more exposure in the upcoming sequel next year. Cassius reminds me of my favorite male character, Magnus Lukas Damora from the Falling Kingdom series. I wish to see Cassius’ character to grow the same way that Magnus’ did.

I still hate Roar and Locke. Period.

PS: I saw the plotwist coming miles awayyyyyyyyy
