A review by readlovereviewblog
Love, Lacey Donovan by Jill Brashear


This book isn't your typical contemporary romance; the storyline delves into book lovers and quirky characters. Lacey is scared of love; she has a regrettable history of rejection and shies away from being close to anyone until she meets Beckett; his tall, dark, broody, but sensitive nerdy guy personality wins you over very quickly. The author plays with role reversal in this opposites attract millionaire romance. This book is steamy, heartbreaking, and sometimes just interesting enough to keep you turning pages. I enjoyed the story and loved the ending. 

This story intrigued me from the blurb, but when it opened, I needed clarification about the book's format. Instead of a prologue, we get book recommendations. While I admire the thoughts and suggestions, these are better suited for the end of the book, especially if they have nothing to do with the story. 

As I read the book, the reviews make more sense as it is one of the main character's jobs. Lacey Donovan is a bookworm who loves coffee and a few simple things in life. She is a tatted-up dog whisper who likes to move around a lot and experience all sorts of things. A chance meeting with a doggy icebreaker at a park leads us into this storyline.  

Apparently, her mantra of "book boyfriends are much better than the real thing "is blown out of the water when she meets Beckett. He is tall, dark, and broody and gets her pheromones dancing. Her book club is comical. This book is from her pov mostly. 

I find it comical the big sexy Beckett is also a nerd just a little. He is all grumpy, broody, and hot as hell. Beckett is more than meets the eye, but you must get past the exterior to find out more about him. I like that the author has a quirky female and an equally profound male character. This book speaks to the bibliophile and authors with characters that we can relate to. 

So this book is complicated for them both, but I appreciated Beckett making an effort. The book reviews on the story make much more sense now. Beckett is definitely swoony when he is trying too hard. This book gets steamy with lust overriding their brains; they can't help but satisfy their carnal desires. Will Beckett make her believe in love again and risk her heart? 

The ending of this book was sweet, and I enjoyed the storyline. I do enjoy the twist the author throws into this story. I find the role reversal in this romance intriguing. I like how open Beckett is and how easily he communicates later in the story. Lacey, on the hand, it is heartbreaking to watch her stumble threw this whirlwind romance and deny her own feelings.