A review by cinnabunsun
No Angel by Helen Keeble


*I won this book through Goodreads First Reads*

Before I actually start this review, I want to begin with saying that the school's name, St. Mary's Boarding School caught my eye because right when I read that line, we happened to pass by a school named St. Mary's, and I thought that was pretty cool!

Anyways, I have to say that the beginning of this novel is what caught my eye. It didn't start off with something along the lines of 'I got kicked out of my old school, so I'm on my way to this former girls school to become one of the first boys to attend.' It starts off with a problem that Rafael Angelos has to face- being the only boy at St. Mary's. Not only this, but he lays his eyes on a girl Named Faith, who he literally came to the school for (and because his mother went here). He also catches his eye on Michaela, who has a edgy bad-girl vibe.
This is also a somewhat typical angel story- There are the good guys (Angels), and the bad guys (Demons who are eager to get their hands on teenage girls who want the 'good life'). Yet, the story takes a twist when we find out that angels with a higher order tend to have some "deformities". The rest of the review would be a spoiler because anything else I could say would ruin the whole story.
I had a difficulty completing this story, though. Mostly because it was difficult to follow. I may even end up re-reading this novel. I would recommend No Angel to people in high school. Not because there are difficult words in there (which there really isn't), but because the writing style just doesn't really make sense. The conversations that were just normal people talking were OK, but the conversations between Krystal, Michaela, Faith, and Raf were just hard to understand.
Overall, I would only read this if you were extremely bored and wanted to read something with an Okay amount of action, and mythical creatures.