A review by lucy_qhuay
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione


Once again, well done Larissa Ione!
Like Shade would say - "Hell's fucking bells!" xD

This series is so freaking hot! I can't believe it!

So, this time we have Wraith's story.
Wraith, the unstable brother. The black sheep of the family. The most tortured of the brothers because of his horrible past. The half seminus demon, half vampire who preys on his own kind and hates human women.
It was really interesting to have a more profound knowledge of this character.
I knew he wasn't as demented as people put him, though it was obvious he was a pretty unstable and dangerous guy.
I always feel like this kind of hero has something behind him making him the way he is and that he is not as bad as people think.
But what better to calm a dude down than the woman of this life? xD And a sexy bitch, nonetheless! xD

Serena is a pretty likeable heroine too!
She is a clever, naive and somewhat sassy heroine, with a heavy burden. Too heavy in my opinion, since she was basically doomed to live a recluse life.
What a sad thing, when you think about it.
It is one thing when it is a person's choice to live a lonely life, but longing for things that mean the world to you, knowing that you cannot have them is just tragic! :(

Seriously, Wraith and Serena's predicament really touched me!
It was an extremely difficult and heartbreaking situation for both of them but, especially, for Wraith.
Can you imagine if the secret to your living lies with the one person who gives meaning to your life and you know that if you do what must be done for you to survive, it means that that one person is going to die? :(
And can you imagine not wanting to do that but knowing that if you do nothing you will be responsible for more than your own death? That you have other live sin your hands?
Gosh, I admit that I actually cried for Wraith.

P.S. The new brother aka sexy assassin that goes by the name of Lore really caught my interest. Gotta run and read his book, then! xD