A review by slbutcherauthor
How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot


I don't understand why authors try to tout the message "be yourself" with books like this. The main character in this book tries to put more effort into her appearance and be more involved with school events, and her best friend/love interest harassed her about it as though she was doing something wrong. Sure, her motives weren't great, but her friends didn't know that. They just gave her a hard time for trying to look nicer. I think that's ludicrous, and I think the love interest in this book was a jerk. Not to mention that the "how to be popular" book that was supposed to be so stupid actually had some good advice, even if the desire to be popular isn't worthwhile.

Other than that, just another trite book about teenage drama with your average, predictable storyline. Sad, because I actually like a lot of books from this author.