A review by erikajay
Dark Eden by Patrick Carman


This book was supposed to be a thriller/suspense/YA horror story and it didn’t feel that way for me. After I finished the book, I felt like absolutely nothing had happened. A boy gets sent to a camp to help cure his phobia (which we aren’t specifically told what it is until near the end, but there are hints), but we don’t see him displaying any symptoms of having this phobia. He just seems a little shy and awkward. He spends the rest of the time holed up, spying on everyone else.

What I really didn’t like though, was that everything had to be explained at the end of the book. You should be able to explain your book through the experiences of the characters in it. You should not need to have one character literally explain everything that just happened to another character. Along with that, there is a supernatural element thrown in at the end, but there were no hints or clues leading up to it.

Very disappointing book, I will not be continuing with the series.