A review by johnlynchbooks
Savage Mountain by John Quick


John Quick. Write that down, commit it to memory, do what you need to do. This is my third John Quick novel, and in my opinion, the best of the 3 I’ve read.

Savage Mountain tells the tale of Ami and her friends as they take an unnecessarily dangerous white water rafting trip. To make matters worse, a stupid decision makes the trip even more dangerous. The vacationers end up stranded, struggling to survive with no supplies in a harsh wilderness where rescue is not likely. But that’s not all, an illegal grow operation in the area means that the only other humans in the area don’t have rescue on the mind.

I had a blast reading this, despite the fact there were a few scenes that made me cringe. They are a bit brutal and pull no punches. One things that makes this story is Quicks ability to just write an good, interesting story. Look at the plot synopsis, you’ve probably seen a few movies that seem similar, despite that, the book held my attention and refused to let go until I reached the end. Most of the characters suck. Not because they are written bad, but because they are actual crappy people. You’re rooting for the protagonists, but at the same time, when mayhem strikes, you’re kinda glad it did.

Quick’s writing here is as good as I have seen it. Savage Mountain contains a good cast of characters, excellent dialogue, and movie worthy plot. The ending was satisfying and the entire package left me wanting more Quick.

I don’t see enough people talking about, reading, and reviewing John Quick. That may be because of echo chambers of online communities, but let me tell you, if you aren’t not reading John Quick, slap yourself in the face and buy Savage Mountain.

4.5 Stars