A review by kame
A Match Made in Texas by Carol Cox, Mary Connealy, Karen Witemeyer, Regina Jennings


I was drawn to this book for the sole purpose to catch up with the Archer family Karen Witemeyer has created.

I was not disappointed. Neill Archer was the first of the novellas in this anthology. Each novella was a complete story on its own, and each was filled with characters that made me smile and sometimes laugh or cry. What makes this anthology different is that each author's novella furthers the story of Dry Gulch - and they all pick up on the premise of a "helpful" friend. I don't want to give too much away but it was refreshing read and introduced me to some authors I have never read before. I will definitely look for their work in the future and I would even love to see the story of Dry Gulch continued.

Thank you Bethany House for giving me this copy to review through NetGalley.