A review by laiabrary
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord


This was so good I had to sacrifice my sleep over it. Lately I've been trying to read more YA and for some reason Tweet Cute had been collecting dust on my shelf for over a year, so I decided it was finally time to pick it up. I am mad at myself for not having read it sooner. I loved Pepper and found myself unexpectedly relating to her, for example, the constant seeking of academic validation. I also like that this book wasn't just about romance but also about navigating one's relationship with their family, and my therapist but knows how I could benefit from that. Jack and Pepper both wanting to become or do something other than what's been expected from them all their life resonated with me beyond belief. I feel stupid for thinking YA stories would be impossible to connect with.

And can we take a second to appreciate the writing, please? I haven't annotated a book in a while, but Emma Lord sure made me regret not annotating this one.

"Jack nods back, and there's something kind of tentative in it, but also kind of final. Like we walked out to the middle of a bridge together thinking we'd cross to some other side, even lingered in that middle spot over the depths below for a while, but ultimately turned right back around and headed to familiar ground."