A review by lezreadalot
The Scent of Rome by Lise Gold


“Don’t worry. I’m not going to kiss you.” Her smile widened. “Not unless you want me to.”

3.5 stars. Really really sweet, and just what I was in the mood for. When I pick up a Lise Gold book, I know what I'm getting, and she delivers every time. This is a romance between an app developer and an escort/perfumer who meet in Rome. Rome (one of the characters) has always believed she was straight, but Nadine's advances soon have her questioning that. The story follows them through their romance, and also a larger plot that involves them both developing their careers, as well as a sexual harassment case.

No matter where she's writing about, Lise Gold always makes me fall in love with the setting. This was absolutely a love letter to Rome, and I adored how we got to see so many parts of the city, big and small, the natural phenomena, the quirks of the people, little historical titbits... It was truly so lovely and made me want to visit immediately. The characters were really charming and easy to like, and they had such good chemistry. Their earlier moments together are my favourite. Nadine especially is super swoony. I guess you could consider this a toaster oven romance, as Rome thinks of herself as straight at first, but once she accepted her attraction to Nadine, things progressed quickly and overall smoothly. Another great thing about Gold's books: not a lot of overdrawn drama, and the characters always communicate well. Honestly, this is a book I think I can highly recommend; it's just not getting a super high rating from me because I could feel myself forgetting it even while I was reading it? The writing was good, but not the kind that sticks with me. Also,
Spoilerwhenever books have characters in sex work/an escort job who then decide to leave that job, it's always discussed in an irritating way. Not overtly judgemental, but Nadine leaving her job for something riskier/more proper had this triumphant, righteous feel that I didn't really enjoy? IDK, maybe I'm reading too much into it.
I just know that this book didn't affect me as thoroughly as it could have.

Still, very enjoyable. Another solid book from this author.

Content warnings:
Spoilersexual assault