A review by buffyreads
His Secret Illuminations by Scarlett Gale


'You make me want to break my vows,” he says, or thinks, or just knows deep in his bones.

The Good
Lucían is down terrible. I love how obsessed he is with how big and strong she is. I really liked his character. He was selfless, kind and caring. I loved Glory as well. She was a badass but also just a sweet and charming woman. I loved the reverse size difference aspect. Both of them were three dimensional lovely characters and even the secondary/background character were notable and fun. Usually I roll my eyes at men being described as these gigantic muscular walls but I loved it here. I thought the slow traveling was going to get repetitive or feel slow but because their relationship is progressing so sweetly and deeply I enjoyed each chapter even if nothing happened plot-wise. The romance and their relationship development was done well enough that I didn't mind. I really liked that while Lucian was really attracted to Glory, their relationship as friends first was developed so well I understood why they cared for each other so much. It was deeper than sexual tension, they understood each other and were vulnerable with each other.

The Bad
There was no bad in this book. The only bad was that it ended and that's not a con because there is a second novel out!

The Rating
I give this book a 5/5