A review by mythicgeek
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy


I can't say I actually liked it but it wasn't bad either. The story was pretty good, the plot solid enough for what it was. It's a very typical book for the genre and what you expect to get from books that have covers like these. There was a LOT of reinforcement of gender roles, a lot of calling men 'males' and women 'females' which is something I personally hate. The female main character saves the cast at large, but of course winds up the damsel in distress who needs others to then rescue her.

But that's what I expected going in. I read an ARC of this (It's not coming out until around New Year's) but I doubt I'll be doing more than skimming the rest of the series for work purposes.

Also who exactly is supposed to be on the cover? The 'heroine' is a redhead sure, but her hair is short and spiky, something repeated multiple times. There are two other redheads with long hair but they're supporting characters. I just wish the cover artist either received or paid attention to character descriptions before creating this.