A review by andrearbooks
Thanks for Waiting: The Joy (& Weirdness) of Being a Late Bloomer by Doree Shafrir


This is one of those books that just came into my life at the right time. I read this as someone who isn't a listener to the author's podcasts (but plan to be), so I knew nothing about her life coming into this. As someone who got married at 32 and had their first baby at 39, I connected with the timeline she shared. I also appreciated the honest and thorough reflections on her journey through infertility and motherhood. Having been through my own journey, there were pieces of her story I knew well. There were times I found myself moved to tears through the infertility pieces and I found myself laughing as she described the beginning of her motherhood. This was a beautiful reflection of one woman's journey to figure out where she can thrive and be unapologetically herself.