A review by bookaddict1975
The Good Sister by Leanne Davis


🎧 Audio Review 🎧

I have to say I loved see the 3 personalities of Lindsey! In book 1 is a bit high and mighty but in this book we see the broken side of her and then we see the strongest side of her. You really get to see her changing as life changes for her. Noah is the good guy and I always love the good guy! He is ready to be whatever she needs at any given time.

This book shows us how someone so strong can be broken down by someone's words and actions. I love the relationship between the sisters once they both figure out who they are without everyone controlling their lives. And there is a HOLY CRAP moment that I did not see coming! This book was 90% drama but not in a bad way. I was an emotional rollercoaster ride!
Can't wait to start Gretchen's story!

Narration was great, so glad they haven't changed narrators!