A review by tkulwicki
The Ministry of Ordinary Places: Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin


I've always felt like I had this "big calling" on my life to do something extraordinary. I blame it on my youth group where that message seemed to be drilled into our adolescent brains each week. This book, however, helped me to see that "big calling" and "changing the world" doesn't require becoming a missionary in a foreign land, climbing the corporate ladder, or building a giant platform.

We are called to light up the darkness exactly where God has planted us. In our ordinary lives and ordinary neighborhoods. We show up and we live life with the very people in our close proximity. We love and we receive love right where we are at.

This book is full of stories and wisdom about loving our neighbors and spreading the light of the kingdom in our everyday ordinary lives. The book doesn't offer a step-by-step plan to fix all the problems in your community, instead Shannan points out that we aren't called to fix problems, we're called to give and receive love well. This is an incredible book. It will make you think, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and it will change the way you view your ordinary life and the people you come across each and every day.

I received an Advance Reader Copy from Harper Collins Christian Publishers.